
by stashcat GmbH



The secure messenger for business and government.

stashcat® - contemporary way of corporate communications - WhatsApp alternative for business and government.Efficient communication between all employees of a company is the basis for a target-oriented way of working. stashcat® combines the usual chat functionalities with your own cloud storage into a data protection compliant and secure communication platform - GDPR compliant. stashcat® offers a contemporary way of communication for companies and is subjected to a strict privacy policy. Communicate easily, quickly and securely within the company– with stashcat®.Organization via #Channels: With the # Channel function, you can easily and transparently chat in groups or teams and thus coordinate your in-house communication without great effort.Communication via single or group chats: You can quickly and easily interact with one or more users. This feature is not public and works like the latest generation of messenger apps.Own and shared file storage: Each user has a personal file storage in which documents and files can be stored, accessed and shared with other users at any time. Every #Channel and every chat has its own file storage.Calendar module: Appointments can be made privately or publicly, shared in channels with the ability to accept or cancel for members of the channel.Survey module: create appointment queries or evaluations in the question-answer-principle.Secure hosting and strict data protection in accordance with DIN ISO 27001: The operation of stashcat® is provided by various, redundant server systems. The user data are processed encrypted in a server center in Hannover and thus are treated according to German data protection law.Your app, our technology: Use stashcat® in your particular company layout and offer your employees and customers an effective way to communicate with each other, regardless of time and place.· Fixed a bug that caused some notifications on the lock screen not to be removed after reading the message.· General optimizations and bug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Quareeb Ishola

Sehr gut

Sandra Thomas

As for me. Nice application

Hastrup Enny

Funktioniert nicht ... Ich kann mich nicht einloggen, obwohl es auf meinem PC perfekt funktioniert ... PW und E-Mail-Adresse sind richtig, werden aber nicht erkannt. Einfach nervig. Vor allem, wenn man es für die Arbeit braucht.

Crazy Cat Lady

Mist, nach der installation und den nicht intuitiv zu ändernden Servereinstellungen OHNE speichern Button, funktionierte der key sofort. Account erstellt, login nicht möglich falsche daten. Den benutzer und das passwort vor 3 secunden eingegeben aber es ist falsch, neuer versuch und alles richtig einfach, der gleiche fehler. Ich traue mir zu eine 7 stellige email und ein 4 stelliges passwort ohne sonderzeichen zu merken und erneut einzutippen. Handy ist ein OnePlus3t falls das hilft.

DeusEx Machina

Nun ja ... Es ist an sich ganz in Ordnung wenn man es wie ich für seine Arbeit braucht . Jedoch wirkt die app etwas schwerfällig ..

Raffael Christian Dehn

Perfect App!

Tim Welliehausen